Poly's is the only water-based product that is able to clean exteriors and interiors including leather, while leaving an incredible, protective shine on hard surfaces like paint, glass and chrome. Poly's helps protect and preserve the ...
Dave, if that is a reason for a vacation, I needed one a while ago. I used to have to recreate logos for the ice sculptures and one of our clients was Heineken. Everyone at my studio had no clue why I kept yelling that over and over... Thu. 10/28/10 6:27am ... Paint it black, you Devils!! Thu. 10/28/10 6:53am FooBar: oooh good theme. Thu. 10/28/10 6:54am Chuck: The first four-fer in Theme Park history, I think! Or is there more coming, Meghan? Thu. 10/28/10 6:57am Dave B: ...